Product specs for TEGAM Inc. R1L-D1


Product Description:

TEGAM Inc. R1L-D1 Microohm and RTD Meter, Low Current, 10 µOhms to 2 kOhms, No Leads Included

The Model R1L-D1 is a portable Microohmmeter and RTD monitor for measuring low resistance values with high accuracy. It is optimized for measuring 100 and 1000 Ω 3 and 4-wire RTDs, and utilizes the 4-wire technique to eliminate errors caused by the connection resistances. The R1L-D1 calculates the value of the resistor under test, and indicates the value on a LCD. 2 and 3-wire measurement methods can also be selected. To maintain accuracy, an automatic zero circuit turns off the test current and resets the zero of the instrument prior to each resistance reading. This also serves to null out any thermally-generated voltages in the test leads or in the resistance being tested.

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